Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Wednesday stuff.

Have I mentioned already that I've been eating ham sandwiches for the last couple of weeks, thinking it was turkey? I asked for turkey at the deli, so I never thought to look. I was wondering why it was so tasty. I like to heat my sandwiches up in the microwave for about 10 seconds when they've been in the fridge all morning. I just don't like a cold sandwich.

I am not the only person who has some issues or obsessions with poop. One of my very close friends at work, when pissed off by someone, says he's going to "launch a bean turd" at them. Use your imagination. It's disgusting. Sometimes he just says he's going to leave them a "desk dookie".

There is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup on my desk, and it has been there for a couple of weeks. It's gone uneaten. This is amazing, I think.

I have to travel too much this month. I used to love traveling for work, before I was married. Now, I just want to be home with Todd, Jack and Lily...when I'm not traveling it seems like we have no time to just be home and do nothing. Two trips this month necessitate a Sunday flight that means two weekends this month are shot already. Argh.

Watch your mailboxes, kids. A couple of you may be getting a little sussie in the mail this week.