Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Love is...

...Trying to convince your wife that you really don't want to use the free tickets and go to the Stars game, that you're really tired and would rather watch hockey on TV. Because she is tired and not feeling well.

I didn't sleep last night. I took the allergy/sinus meds early in the evening in hopes of making it past the "no sleep" timeframe that always accompanies taking the drugs. Instead, I passed out on the couch early, and when Todd woke me to tell me to go to bed, I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling all night. After taking the meds early this morning and feeling the "I think my heart is going to jump out of my chest" feeling just now, at 1:42 in the afternoon, I think I've figured out the timing on them. It's a little delayed.

I knew when I saw all of that ragweed on the side of the road that I was in for trouble. But I didn't take anything, just testing my body which I already know so well. Stupid is as stupid does.

I think it's the combination of being extremely tired and not being able to sleep at all that is the most frustrating. I'll take the swollen glands, itchy throat, sore ears and snotty nose, just give me some rest!

Todd's so generous when it comes to wanting to make me feel better, and he knows just how to do it...There was an email waiting for me when I got to work this morning, letting me know that it's head and foot rubs all evening for me when I get home. Ahhh...Is there anything better? I'm so lucky.