Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Like you care.

I made my English pea salad, using my grandmother's recipe earlier this week. I've eaten it for two days straight and it never gets old. Of course, if I don't finish it up today it will be too old to eat.

It makes me very nervous when people in my office bring their lunch and leave it sitting on their desks until time to eat lunch. In the see-through containers I can see that they have chicken, or maybe a sandwich. And I just know that leaving it out for a few hours may cause some sort of digestive catastrophe.

The other day I watched a daytime talk show that featured people with various levels of OCD. I thought I was aware of all my tendencies, habits. Then I realized that you're not fully aware of some of them until someone brings something to your attention. I've got them, oh how I have them. I realized some new ones.

This isn't necessarily OCD related, but as I was walking to the kitchen at work this morning to put my lunch in the fridge, I noticed that I was unwrapping my Pop Tart as I was walking to optimize the time I spent actually in the kitchen putting up my lunch and getting breakfast ready. It occurred to me that those three seconds of "pre-unwrap time" were very important to the overall challenge that I create for myself to be super-efficient in my planning and actions. One day I caught myself unzipping my pants on the way into the bathroom. Not good in a public place like work.

The first time Todd kissed me, he had -- don't ask why -- a Glade Plug-In in his pocket. Not in the package or anything, but exposed, with all its Hawaiian Breeze goodness. I'm pretty sensitive to smells, and I asked, "What is that smell?" "Why do you have that in your POCKET?" Anyway, the other day we were out looking for apartments and while I'm picking to pieces every corner and nook of every apartment, we walked into one and I noticed he was over looking very closely at the wall. I walked over to him and he crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall and said, while smiling and nodding his head, "I'm not sure if this smell rings a bell to you or not..." I said, "Yeah, it's awful." We ended up not renting at that particular place. He's just so cute sometimes that I can't stand it.

Sorry for the rambling musings. I just felt like writing something while eating my English pea salad, rather than working.