Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I have gotten to where I really enjoy the blog. Not my blog, necessarily. But I love going out and checking all of yours. Don't think I'm stalking you or anything, I just like going out to see if there's a new tidbit of information, a new comment, a new story. I can't remember what work was like before those little distractions?

The blogs keep me sane. On more than just the "need a distraction from work" level. It's good therapy. Like my book club. We don't even read books anymore.

So... I'm getting married in a little over three months and I haven't really done any planning. Have I mentioned this before? Honeymoon is booked. I guess that shows you what my priorities are. I think I found a photographer today. One who is talented, just getting started and needs to build a portfolio (translation: cheap). You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

I love having my back scratched.

Operation Flea Destruction ended in success last night, I think. We bathed Jack in the nasty-soap, powdered and vacuumed the carpets, put the meds on Jack and Lily...all without none of us having to make a trip to the ER. Life is good. For now.