Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I think I had a mini-panic attack, or anxiety attack yesterday. As I was walking Jack, taking him out to go potty for the last time before leaving for work yesterday, this overwhelming feeling of anxiety came over me. As I walked up the stairs, with every step, I said to myself, "Breathe...Breathe, it's all in your head." Upon arriving to work I noticed my hands were numb, a little tingly. Again, I told myself it was all in my head and that I had control over it. More deep breaths. This is how I medicate.

If I were to actually make one of my lists outlining all the things I have to do in both my personal and professional life, I don't think there would be a piece of paper big enough or enough ink to get it all down on paper. Some things, I've just had to let go by the wayside, like my personal hygiene, for example.

It's just going to be this way for a while. There is so much going on at work, and I'm thankful for it. I feel secure in my job, and that's important right now.

Stress makes me want to eat fast food. Whoppers, specifically.