Thursday, July 14, 2005


The other day, Todd and I were going somewhere and we stopped by Starbucks -- not for coffee, but for a sandwich. They really have the best sandwiches. Anyway, I wasn't that hungry, so I opted for the little box full of sliced apples, cheeses, crackers, and other fruits. (I wasn't even wearing my Kabbalah hunger bracelet!)

Anyway, we had to grab something quickly to eat in the car. So we got in the car and as I was eating my apples I said, "I love apples. But I like them sliced up like this, not biting into them. And if apples came sliced up this way, I'd eat them every day." This, of course, being the product of my grandmother slicing apples for me as a kid -- she spoiled me. And I'm terribly lazy. Again, digression.

So today I ran by 7-11 for some lunch. This may sound crazy, but my 7-11 is awesome. (By my, I mean, the one closest to where I live and work. I don't own it or anything. I wish! Heavens!) They have good, fresh sandwiches and fresh fruit, and I'm just tickled by their "gulp" drink which is just the right size for me, since I could never consume a "BIG GULP". People who do likely spend their day in the bathroom. And we all know how I hate a public restroom.

So I went in for a sandwich. And there they were -- "Crisp Green Apple Slices". Packed in a zipper bag, cold, and ready for me to consume. Now, I'm aware of the waste of plastic and energy that goes with providing me with these glorious apple slices, and I feel guilty about it and all. But holy moly do I love these apples.

So I bought them, then got in my SUV and went back to work.